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Rapid implementation of innovation and change in balance with Nature, for the creation of common Wealth

Our Purpose can be re-phrased in a number of different ways - achieving Net Biodiversity Gain and Net Zero targets, together, as part of a unified programme and setting ‘gold standard’ ESG compliance, but this merely alters terminology, not the imperative to address obstacles to delivery, ecosystem impact± and fairness into all our considerations, when considering possible future scenarios.


Simulation as a way of thinking, every bit as much as a means of visualisation

SIMULATION-LED™ facilitates Sustainable, Responsible, Impact+ Investment+ (SRII++), by combining advanced data collection techniques, with sustainability assurance and the power of an ‘off the shelf’, gaming physics engine. Our deliverable is an intuitive way of comparing competing design and behavioural options, with a view to making well-considered choices, that meet respective criteria of success. Our open, transparent and rigorous process addresses three important questions: Why may I rely upon this? Why should I care about this? What might I do?


We work seamlessly across the domains of water, land, air and space. 6D Digital Diorama are created as interactive scenes across the seasons, in which 3D ‘actors’, including plants, animals, people, technology and built environment can be placed, with their meta data. Interaction is possible in person, or remotely, depending on the chosen medium, as an interface. A lived-world / virtual world / future world space is created, in which people with different disciplines and skillsets can meet to address the complexities that increasingly challenge us all, as individuals, businesses and communities.

Tim Marshall @timmershall


each a lens through which to consider - what actually does constitute Wealth?

D’Arcy Thompson wrote, ‘The harmony of the world is made manifest in Form and Number, and the heart and soul and all the poetry of Natural Philosophy are embodied in the concept of mathematical beauty.’ Advances in computing capacity and software design enable us to bring that ‘poetry’ directly to ‘The Mind’s Eye’.


Alexander London @ alxndr_london

Addressing function, form, energy, relationships and peril in our rigorous process

Our structured framework of Functional Analysis and Systems Thinking (FA+ST) provides the basis for 21st century classification. Spatial and temporal patterns across temperature and pressure are produced. Their underpinning data is analysed across our 4P hierarchy of PLANET, PEOPLE, PROPERTY, PROFIT, each with its own assurance case, that combine to make a single, unified 4P Sustainability Assurance Case. This constructs an open, transparent and consistent template for demonstrating rigorous Environmental, Societal and Governance (ESG) compliance.


In the knowledge that everything - Nature and human endeavour - are governed by the same laws of Natural Philosophy

Capturing these laws within our digital scenes, enables an effortless transition between the virtual world; the collective knowledge and understanding of domain experts (such as, scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians); investors, policy-makers and strategists; and the lived, real world experience of individuals, businesses and communities - whose early stage input is invaluable, if practicable, sustainable solutions are to be rapidly agreed and implemented.


Creating new data and work flows using digital technologies that interface with grassroots, observational awareness and citizen science

The level of success depends of the timeliness, quality and relevance of data. Building up reference data in our sustainaVERSE™ helps address data availability issues.


To be rapidly Nature+